Monday, May 3, 2010

Consequences of doing it.....

The crazy thing.... It seems to be the things that matter less that blow up.  The things that you didn't think twice about because it was just a recipe or an exercise regimen. How is it possible for those 2 things backfire.  Well, Susie had to go and make the damn recipe and realized she hated it and now, not only are you a bad cook, but a bad friend because you provided her with a recipe that was a mess and she can't believe that you would do that.  Now, this hasn't happened to me, but I know someone that is has happened to...  What the crap Susie, get a life and look on or something... or better yet, stop asking people for recipes.  My point is that you never know what will tick someone off and how they will react. So, think about the things that you exchange before you exchange them.  Be proactive in your exchanging.  When in doubt, don't do it

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